The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

Sunday 03 | What a Week & The Green Creek Series.

As I mentioned last Sunday, this past week was bound to be a stressful one and it was exactly that. I didn’t post much at all, but found solace in T.J. Klune’s Green Creek series, more on that later.To me, it feels like it wasn’t a super eventful week, but it was a mentally draining one for sure. Truly hope everyone had something good happen during their week. I’m rather thankful that it went by quickly.

Onto the next.

Non-Reading Update

— If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that I bought a shelf and put it together this week. I’ve had several stacks of books laying out on the floor since we moved in … last December. I’ve been picky about shelves and I already have a floating one, so I needed one that kind of matched what I had. I went with Ikea’s Kallax shelf and it’s the 2 x 4 cube shelving. I love that they had different sizes for whatever you need. I managed to get most of my stacks on that shelf. I still have a couple more stacks, but I’ll try and get those on there sometime this week. Since putting that shelf together, the office has been coming together rather nicely.

— I bought a holiday tree and have already started decorating. Because of the rather stressful week, I needed something to get my mind off of things and that’s when the hunt for a prelit holiday tree happened. I didn’t want to spend over 100 bucks for one and with all the early deals happening, I took advantage. I’ve already shared it on my Instagram stories and it’ll probably debut on my bookstagram feed at some point this week!

— Video games

House Flipper was a huge lifesaver this week. Yep, it’s exactly what the name is, you just flip homes … that’s pretty much the entire game. You have different tasks that vary from cleaning, painting walls, retiling, and then adding all the furniture. It’s a fun game and definitely helps pass the time. I downloaded a few more other games from my Steam account, escape room games are my absolute favorite. Highly recommend any of The Room games, if you like puzzle/escape room type of games.

Reading for the Week

From October 30th to November 6th, I took part in a paranormal romance readathon. It was such a rough start with the first 3 books being an absolute dud. And I started to lose steam, which pushed me to finally start the Green Series by T.J. Klune. I’ve been seeing it mentioned quite a bit and a friend of mine has been pushing it for weeks. Let me tell you, this might be my favorite series for the entire year. I’ve been bingeing it the whole week and am already down to the final book. Safe to say, once I started this series, I pretty much kicked the rest of the TBR that I planned for this readathon. And I have zero regrets about it.

Let’s take a look at the TBR I had set for the readathon.

Yep, so I managed to read 4 out of 11, however, I did stick with paranormal, so I’m calling it a win.

Goodreads Reading Challenge2020 Goodreads Challenge

Whooo, reading challenge has been met for 2020! I’m not even going to raise it, I made that mistake one year and didn’t even reach it. I realized there were a ton of books that I never updated to my Goodreads. Soooooo, I probably reached my goal a while ago.

Books I’ve Read This Week

Spells by Kristen Proby

  • Skylord by Delta James – [rating stars=”two-half-stars”] on Kindle Unlimited
    • I’ll admit, it was the cover that ultimately drew me in. I do love a good dragon romance, but this one just didn’t work for me at all. I did get it from KU, so it wasn’t a complete loss, but it felt like not a whole lot was happening. And it felt a bit redundant.
  • Sacrifice by Katee Robert – [rating stars=”four-half-stars”]
    • This was a first time read by Katee Robert and even though it was a novella and book 1 to a series (hate when you stumble upon a NEW series), I really flippin’ loved this one. It was a solid start for this series and it’s a reverse harem with polyamory. I was not expecting to love all the characters, but I truly did and can’t wait to learn more about all of them. Such a steamy and quick read!
  • Spells by Kristen Proby – [rating stars=”four-stars”]
    • This is book 2 of Kristen’s Bayou Magic series and just like the first book, definitely loved this one as well. It’s a paranormal romance that fit perfectly for the spooky season. Witches and evil ghosts. Loveeeeed the main characters, soulmates who have lived many lives and have always found one another in every lifetime. I don’t think I’ve read a lot books like that, but this one definitely goes up there as a fave.
  • Wolfsong by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”four-half-stars”]
    • Green Creek #1 – Ox and Joe
    • Oh my gosh! What a start to this series, it’s been on my TBR for a while and had a huge push from a friend to read it. And I wish I started it sooner. I grabbed the audio/ebook … and ughhhh, I can’t even sum up all the words. I’ve never read a shifter romance like this, it’s soooo different and I can’t recommend it enough. Ox and Joe’s story isn’t an easy one and it’s so damn emotional. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve cried.
  • Ravensong by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”four-half-stars”]
    • Green Creek #2 – Mark and Gordo
    • Yet another phenomenal story that you’ll need all the tissues for. You’ll start to see a theme with each couple and my goodness, it rips my heart apart! This was one was definitely more action-packed than the first. It’s a second chance romance. And yeah, I just loved the crap out of it.
  • Lovesong by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”four-stars”]
    • Green Creek #2.5 (can be read on T.J.’s blog)
    • Short story from one of the character’s POV, don’t want to say who for those who haven’t read the series. Not a book/novella per se, but I still read it and cried my eyes out. I’m counting it.
  • Heartsong by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”five-stars”]
    • Green Creek #3 – Kelly and Robbie
    • So far this book is my favorite out of the series! Holy crap, what a wild ride their story was. You definitely see the evolution of T.J.’s writing with Kelly and Robbie’s story. He gave us sooooo much more, more than I anticipated. And things start off as a bit of a mystery and you’re along with one of the hero’s trying to put the pieces back together. Of course, lots of crying on my end, and I have zero shame about it.
  • Feralsong by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”five-stars”]
    • Green Creek #3.5 (can be read on T.J.’s blog)
    • Short story from four different POVs, not even going to say much. If you’re reading the series, make sure to check these extra scenes out, they’re well worth it.
  • Lovesong Part II by T.J. Klune – [rating stars=”four-stars”]
    • Green Creek #3.6 (can be read on T.J.’s blog)
    • Short story that’ll leave you begging for the next book. Thank goodness the final book is out!

Once I finish the Green Creek series, I’ll be adding my reviews to the blog. Depending on how ambitious I am this coming week, you just may see them very soon!

Currently Listening To

Brotherson by T.J. KluneI’ve been listening to the final book of the Green Creek series through Scribd AND I grabbed the ebook when I didn’t feel like wearing headphones anymore. This book is turning out to be a lot different than the first three and I’m completely okay with it. I’m loving it for very different reasons and there’s sooooo much healing happening in this one. I’ll definitely finish this one at least by tomorrow.

What’s Up Next on My TBR?

Honestly, I’m a bit afraid to look at what I’ve should have been reading this past week. A couple of new ARCs dropped on my kindle over the past couple of days and I don’t even want to check the release dates for those…


More lo-fi music for you to enjoy. Normally I just play the live stream on ChilledCow from Youtube. Such a great listen when you’re doing stuff around the house or even writing up book reviews/blog posts.

And that’s how my week went, I’m soooo not ready to see farewell to my current series, but it has to be done. It’s definitely going to be tough to get into another book after reading such a phenomenal series. Hope you’re doing well and staying happy, and healthy!

Here’s to another week and 5 star reads!

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