January has come and gone, and it went by a little bit too quickly. We’re already a month down in the new year, can you believe it?! I was pretty radio silent on the blog since I spent 3 weeks visiting with family, which involved flying halfway around the world with a 14 month old and back. That was a feat, everyone. I’m planning on not doing that again anytime soon.

Dealing with jetlag between me and baby was enough for me to just want to do nothing. It took us about a week to get adjusted and yes, we were in beautiful Hawai’i … of all places. Nothing like being sick in a tropical place. Once we got through the jetlag, we both got sick and it just lingered for a couple of weeks. It wasn’t anything too crazy, just an absolute nuisance.

With that being said, I was extremely behind on my reading, reviewing … just everything book related. Onto February and I’m playing catch-up.

I had such a strong start and it kind of fizzled out as I kept reading some OK books. So I’m definitely hoping for a better month! Let’s take a look:

 I read :

  • 12 books
  • 1  DNF

listened :

  • 1 audiobook

written :

  • 14 reviews

january reads

[wrap-up-posts date=”january 2019″ category=”review” listtype=”ul”]


Book cover for Claire Contreras The Consquence of Falling

2019 challenges

This is the first year where I signed up for a couple of reading challenges for. I’m sure that I’ll pass my goodreads goal significantly. Romanceopoly and Tackle My TBR are the two challenges that I’m focusing on this year, which I then added my own challenge for my Netgalley/Edelweiss TBR.

When I first started book blogging, I signed up for every book under the sun in Netgalley, which screwed my feedback ration. So I’m working on getting that up and it’s tough.


2019 Reading Challenge

2019 Reading Challenge
Romance Schmomance (Malia) has
read 14 books toward
her goal of
160 books.





looking forward to February

I generally don’t like to plan that far ahead when it comes to the books I read. I tend to just pick what I want to read at random usually from my fave/go-to authors and a few that sound like it would be a good read. My goal for 2019 was to not sign up for too many books every month. For the most part, I’m doing pretty OK with that. I’m not as overwhelmed like I have been when it came to working with various PRs. It’s a nice change of pace.

Here’s to a happy reading month!

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