

If you’re an avid fan of Piper and Rayne, you know they love teasing their other couples throughout their series. Evan and Seth’s story is something I’ve been waiting for.

Our Star-Crossed Kiss is the 4th book from The Rooftop Crew and I have a horrible habit of remembering the other characters from this series. Anywho, Evan and Seth have a long history of rivalry between their parents, all over bagels and cream cheese. These two went from being childhood best friends and then their parents were on the outs, so they were pushed to no longer acknowledge each other’s existence.

I was soooo eager to what would be the reason to force these two to just be in the same spot at once, and I was so here for it! With an opportunity they would be great both of their family bagel businesses, they join together and start a fake relationship. And we know how that always goes.

I loved that after 20 years, the bond they had as kids was definitely present. As much as they tell themselves that they’re just pretending, there’s a lot of hidden real feelings behind it all.

Seth is just sooo smooth about everything, but he definitely uses humor as a coping mechanism. But his heart is on his sleeve and everyone can see how deeply he cares for Evan. My goodness, I loved his character and in the end, my heart was split wide open for him.

Loved these two together, it was such a fun and cute read. I even shed a few tears at the end. But there’s no doubt these two were meant to be together, so yeah, I ship them hard 😉

Our Star-Crossed Kiss can be read as a standalone, with the little element of Romeo and Juliet, but don’t worry … there is a happily ever after!

[rating stars=”four-half-stars”]

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