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Some myths should just stay buried.
Brexley’s journey has led her to the most coveted object in the world. In discovering the Nectar, Brexley finds other secrets and truths she was not ready for, ones that destroy everything she has ever known, confronting a power within herself she is not ready to face.
Magic is a balance. Things come at a cost. In saving lives, Brexley destroys her own power, cutting the connection with the infamous legend. When faced with devastating loss and destruction, the fabric of friendship, trust, and love are put to the test.
Trying to forget her grief, Brexley delves deeper into stopping Istvan, uncovering the depths he will go to gain power. She is thrown deep into the underbelly of greed and deceit, leading her back into the depths of hell.
Where only one survives.
Hands down my favorite in the Savage Lands series! I loved that I can just get whisked away in this book because Stacey’s writing pull you in, instantly. Not going to lie, I wish this wasn’t going to be a 6 book series because I am sooooo impatient this year. But I’m invested and it’s not too long of a wait until book 5 comes out.
Yep, things are picking up right where the previous book ended and it’s full speed ahead from there. There’s a bunch of things that unfolded and we’re starting to learn more about Brexley, and what she might possibly be. There’s definitely some mystery about it, but the surprises keep on coming.
Brex and Warwick … out of all the couples written by SMB, these two have probably been the most complex especially Warwick. And in this book, we’re finally at the point, where things are officially settled between them. When it comes to Warwick, he definitely has his way of declaring his love. It’s rough, it’s not sunshine and rainbows, but it’s them. All-consuming and ready to take on the world.
I can’t say I was prepared for the ending, I knew something big was coming, but not that. And I’m quite nervous about what’s to come. You’ll be left thinking, “Now what?” and “How are they going to get out of this?”.
No surprise how much love I have for this series, constantly on the edge of your seat with hunger to keep reading. I read this in one sitting and we have two more books to get through, which means more stuff is going to go down. Can’t wait to see what Stacey throws at us!