What’s the worst thing that can happen to a werewolf? Unable to shift for three months, Mateo Cruz knows all too well. His wolf has taken up residence in his head, taunting him night and day with vividly violent and carnal thoughts. Convinced he’s cursed, he needs the help of a powerful witch before he literally goes insane.
Evie Savoie has always obeyed the house rules of her coven–no werewolves. They’re known for being moody and volatile. So, when a distempered, dangerous werewolf strolls into the bar and almost strangles one of her late-night customers, she’s ready to bounce him through the door. But the desperation in his eyes when he begs her to help him softens her heart and convinces her to bend the rules.
What Evie doesn’t know is that Mateo’s wolf has a mind of his own. And now that she’s in his sights, he wants only one thing. Her.
With the book coming out over a year ago, I was beyond excited to listen to the audio. And wooowwwww, it was an elevated experience that EVERYONE needs to get on board with.
When I first read Wolf Gone Wild, it was an insta love with Evie, Mateo and of course, Alpha. And in the audio, we’re getting three POVs essentially and Aiden Snow’s voice is absolutely divine.
As I was listening, there were sooo many things that I forgot, that happened. And there’s some things that I don’t remember Mateo doing, so it was almost like reading this book for the first time all over again.
If you’re looking for a witch and wolf pairing, with some nerdy vibes, protective sisters and a questionable chicken … this audio is the one to get! And ahhhhh, all the steam, soo here for it.
I can’t wait for the rest of the series and more from these narrators!