

I’m pretty sure this series will just get better as each book comes out! And be prepared to love Aiden more than you already do. I couldn’t stop highlighting all the sweet things he’d say to Alex as I kept reading. Forever swooning. But boy, he just keeps fighting the impossible, when it comes to them two. You’ll constantly be asking the universe, why?! I want nothing more than them two to just be together with nothing to worry about.

The way I saw this book, there was a lot of struggle. Alex has more on her doorstep, makes you wonder how she handles it all or if she even does? If you were #TeamAiden in the first book, be prepared to have your mind to switch sides to #TeamSeth. Let me just, I’ll forever and always be #TeamAiden, but you will gain a soft spot for Seth. Armentrout made it impossible to hate Seth! Yes, he’s very cocky, extremely arrogant, but you’ll learn more about his story in this one. And the time Alex and Seth spend together, it’s pretty humorous. It’s evident that there’s a strong connection between them, so I’m curious to see how it’ll all unfold (or not) as the series goes on.

I’m completely hooked on this series, it’s ridiculous or well maybe it’s not. The story and the world just keep on developing and one thing that I love witnessing is the growth of Alex. It’s little by little, but I’m sure by the time we reach the end of the series, she will have faced so much, she’ll be a strong woman. She’s already there, but I know her path has so many barriers to get through. There’s just so many things to love and I’m ecstatic for the next one, keep the good times rolling!

[rating stars=”five-stars”]

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