It has been so long since I’ve read from this series and there’s definitely a few I’ve missed in the With Me in Seattle series. Once I saw that Kristen was going to write a mafia romance of sorts, I couldn’t wait to read especially since I’ve been leaning towards grittier reads. You Belong With Me
is still very much a contemporary romance, but it has light mafia tones that I absolutely enjoyed.
My gosh, Elena is such a tough heroine, being the daughter of a mafia boss, it’s not a life you can run away from. I was always on edge when it came to her and everything she had to endure. Having to go in hiding to her protect herself, she ran and cut everyone out of her life especially the boy she fell in love with when she was a teenager.
Archer gets all the points for never giving up. I kind of had an issue connecting with him since I do enjoy mafia romances, so I kind of have an idea of what happens when you cross them. But when it came to Elena there was nothing stopping him.
I was kind of hoping for a bit more time before Elena and Archer got together again after so many years. It kind of happened a bit too quickly for me.
Other than, definitely a read I truly enjoyed. The mafia tones were light in this, which I totally understand. But I’m excited for more grittier reads by Kristen!