Title: Snow Boy
Series: X-Treme Boys #5
Author: Kay Manis
Genre: Sports Romance
Geneva Barton was a bitch—until the threat of criminal charges forced her to confront the demons from her past. Two years later she’s worked hard to overcome her vindictive ways. Everyone has given her a second chance. But does she deserve it?
Maybe a gorgeous stranger on a tropical island, 4,000 miles from home will help her find out.
After suffering heart-breaking loss, Berk Rigby has left his career as a professional snowboarder and returned to his native island home in Kauai, Hawaii. The last thing he deserves is absolution. But when a beautiful guest at his family’s resort forces him to confront his past, he’s suddenly thinking about a future again. A future with her. But does he deserve it?
A chance encounter.
A leap of faith.
A vacation that will last a lifetime.
And I bet you’re all curious about the new X-treme Boy to fall in love with! Berk, beautifully broken Berk. He has gone through so much and even by the end of the book, you’ll still be left with a million questions of what the hell happened, which I hope will be cleared up in the concluding book, My Snow Boy. That boy still suffers and has a lot of pain from his past. He definitely has a lot to sort through before he can fully commit to Geneva, but with that dang cliffhanger, I have no idea what’s going to happen.
I loved what they were for each other, Geneva was capable of bringing some happiness back into Berk’s life and peel back some of those layers of his past. She got him to open, which no one has been able to do. They both have issues they’re dealing with and they can heal each other, but they need to see that for themselves. Their chemistry is off the wall. Their relationship is eager, but patient at the same time. It felt natural to see them come together and gradually grow. And it felt like they’ve known each other for a long time. Their relationship felt very natural to me and it made it much more believable.
Geneva and I were soliders in a war against a silent enemy. Yeah, our time was fleeting, but somewhere inside, I knew I’d treasure my memories with her forever. She was slowly bringing me back to the land of the living.
Some of the Hawaiian references got to me and I guess that’s one thing I’ll naturally be critical towards, but when that occurs, I’ll look past it and really focus on the story. I love Kay and the X-treme series, I’ve been a fan since the beginning and that won’t change 😉
I’m glad we don’t have to wait long for the conclusion, after reading the synopsis, I’m dying to know what’s going to happen!