SMB is absolutely one of my favorite authors out there and it has been a while since I’ve read a book by her. I absolutely couldn’t wait to read Royal Watch and now that I have, I need to have Royal Command
. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t a standalone, but that’s my fault for not paying attention.
OK … so this is a little bit different than what I’m used to when it comes to Stacey’s book. I honestly have not read a series where it wasn’t a standalone in a long time and I’m not sure where the story is going to go in this. I have a lot of questions and assumptions of what’s to come.
Spencer, she’s a unique and feisty character. She doesn’t give into the royal life, she’s her own person and doesn’t let much of anything get to her. And that is definitely clashing with the lifestyle is she’ll remain by Theo’s side.
There is a slight time jump and I wasn’t expecting Spencer to end up with Theo so quickly. I don’t know how I feel about Theo, as charming as he can be, he has horrible communication skills and loves to make up excuses. And there was one too many times where I didn’t think it was fair to Spencer at all. They are cute together, but I don’t see a long lasting relationship between them. Spencer is not one to caged and I honestly don’t think that she is truly in love with Theo and same for him as well.
Onto Spencer and Lennox, there’s no doubt that there’s something between them. The chemistry they have doesn’t even compare to what she has with Theo. Don’t worry, there’s no cheating, but their whatever you want to call is just very interesting and I can’t wait to see what unfolds in the next book. Spencer can truly be herself around Lennox and yeah he can be an a**, but I can’t wait until his walls come down. I’m Team Lennox, but this is going to be one complicated mess that I’m a little nervous about.
I did enjoy this book and Stacey definitely knows how to pull you in from beginning to end. But the romance lover in me isn’t quite satisfied, we see the beginnings of a few things. But won’t get more until book 2. I know Stacey won’t disappoint us in the end game, but I’m just so impatient and want more.