Troy Barrett has been freshly traded to Ottawa after calling out Dallas Kent during a team practice. He wants to be a better person, and the weird, scrappy energy of the struggling Ottawa team seems like the place to…well. It seems like the only place that will have Troy right now.

Fortunately the Ottawa team includes Ilya Rozanov and Wyatt Hayes, and also includes an adorable social media manager, Harris Drover. Harris is the opposite of Troy in every way: friendly, cheerful, chatty, and goofy with a booming voice, a startlingly loud laugh, and Pride pins all over his denim jacket. Definitely not the sort of person Troy would normally associate with, and yet… 



Oh how I loved this; Troy and Harris …. sigh! I’ve absolutely enjoyed this series and Role Model is a solid addition to the Game Changers series. Ilya and Shane are still my top fave, but Troy and Harris are right along behind them.

This was just the read I needed to close out my month, with a grumpy/sunshine trope and just so many adorable moments. Plus some laughs in between.

As soon as we meet Harris, it was an insta-love. Definitely, someone you’d always want in your corner, super fun-loving, and one that’ll get a ton of laughs out of you.

And then we have Troy, definitely not someone I expected, but I loved getting to know them. He had a lot to work through, some of it just sad, which brings some emotions. When he’s traded to Ottawa, it’s a complete 180 from what he’s used to and it’s going to take some time to adapt to that. He has some things that need to change, but things can only get better for you when you have a solid support system.

And no surprise here, but I loved ALL the Ilya moments, oh how I’ve missed him. You have no idea how excited I am for the next book. I NEED it.

So yeah, plenty to love and enjoy in Role Model, can’t wait for more!

I liked that this wasn’t an instalove for Troy and Harris. A bit of a slow burn, but they have some really adorable moments together as they’re getting to know each other. I’d say I was a little surprised that Troy would show his cards first, but it only gets better from there. And Harris was just the best person to have to stand alongside Troy.

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