

The Baileys, has this series really come to an end? Yes .. no, maybe? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. With the last novella from this series, it was a pleasant surprise to see the chapters from the great-grandkids! Yep, all from the kiddos and I sure did love it.

I loved catching up with all the Baileys and not going to lie, it left me wanting so much more. It definitely seemed like some easter eggs were dropped for possible stories to come, they sure like to tease with unlimited possibilities.

AND, it looks like we get a little insight with their spin-off series of sorts with The Greene Family.

Piper and Rayne gave us a family that we’d just want to hold onto forever and ever! It didn’t quite feel like good-bye, but definitely a farewell … for now. They left things very open-ended and always room for more.

I can’t wait to meet the Greenes and see a bit of the Baileys in that upcoming series.


[rating stars=”four-stars”]

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Operation Bailey Birthday by Piper Rayne

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