This was a first time read by Penelope Bloom and after reading the synopsis for the first book in her Anyone But… series, I was quite excited to snag a copy of Nothing But Rich.
I already love that the main characters, Rich and Kira, already had some history together. We get teased a little bit here and there that something big happened and ended in this 7 year pact with Kira and her friends. Being in a small town and having the alluring King brothers leave town, it was an easy promise to keep. Until they all return.
Once we learn the truth of what happened, it didn’t quite hit me like I expected it too. I kind of wanted to know more details and just all the emotions around it because Kira was doing some major loathing of Rich for several years. And I wanted to truly see all of that.
There were definitely some hilarious moments scattered throughout the book , but it had me questioning their maturity level more often than I’d like. And in the beginning, I wasn’t so sure about Kira’s friends. They weren’t exactly on my good side, but I am looking forward to their stories in the next couple of books.
I think I would have liked to see more happening throughout the book overall, it just didn’t seem like a whole lot was going on.
Overall, I did enjoy the book, I finished it in one sitting! Penelope writes with a different kind of humor than I’m used to, but I think I could come around to it. Definitely looking for the rest of this series.