During this time, please keep indie bookstores in mind. I’m still a huge supporter of the indie bookstore that I adored while we lived in Connecticut, Bank Square Books in Mystic. If you’re looking to add some paperbacks on your shelf, please utilize your local indie book shop or find one elsewhere that’s willing to ship. Bank Square Books is one of many bookstores that willing to ship!
After coming off of reading Danger Zone, I could not wait to get my grabby hands on Need for Speed. I wasn’t quite sure how they were going to pick things up and generally just what kind of tone they were going to stick with for book 2 in The Elite series. I did enjoy this, but I didn’t quite love it as much as I did with Danger Zone.
I would say that this book focuses more on Grant getting a bit of a wake up call after what happened in the first book. And I was here for it because he was just so adorable in this one. He was letting down his walls and just letting Mateo in. He didn’t have the serious persona going on this time around and I really enjoyed seeing that side of him.
Of course, I loved all the quality time that Grant and Mateo were having together. They were definitely getting in touch with the physical side of things.
OK, so one of the reasons that I don’t really read military romance is because my husband is in the military. And it’s always really hard for me to separate the two, so I’m constantly looking at things with a magnify glass. I also wished that they would call each other by their actual names… But nonetheless, this is a fiction so read, so I’ll just keep it at that.
After finishing this, I’m a bit curious to see what’s going to happen in the 3rd book. I’m not sure if this series needed 3, but whatever, I do love Mateo and Grant together. Definitely still enjoyed this one and am looking forward to reading more about These two!