
The Rebel.

Mya Washington is a rebel. Or at least, that’s what her family has always said. As the youngest of a set of triplets, she has always been the more rebellious of the three…even though she never considered herself a rebel.

Outspoken? Yes.

Rule Breaker? Sometimes.

Trouble Maker? Nev—occasionally.

Growing tired of being typecast and misunderstood, Mya moves to New York looking for a fresh start away from the life she grew up in and out of the shadow of her older sisters. Striking out on her own may have put a strain on the family dynamic, but it’s the new beginning Mya was looking for.

But after the unexpected death of her mother, she is blindsided yet again by a wedding invitation she didn’t see coming. Her father’s upcoming marriage only cements the wall she’s put up around her heart. Because if her father could be such an utter disappointment, why should she even attempt to open up to any man?

Enter Colton Davis.

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It was an honor to get the chance to read this one before it released and I failed by not reading it on time, I’m a horrible friend, Danielle! But I love you and please forgive me.

Ever since I’ve read Danielle’s Back to Life series, I knew I’d be her fan for life. And learning that she had more books in the work, I got ecstatic for what was to come.

I’ve been pretty eager to read the story of Mya and Colton in Love Discovered in New York. And I must say that Danielle delivered again, she never fails!

Mya is the rebellious triplet and boy is she a feisty one. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and tell you how it is. I absolutely appreciated it because there have been too many whiny female leads, lately. She has her stubborn moments, but who doesn’t. She truly sticks to her gut and strives to protect herself from ever getting hurt. As you read through the story, you’ll sense her insecurities and wonder how she’ll overcome them OR who may help her overcome them. (hint, hint)

And there’s Colton Davis, he sees all of Mya and can read her like a book. He’s always spot on, when it comes to her. He’s wise, sexy, and doesn’t beat around the bush. He knows what he wants and his eyes are set on Mya.

There’s just sparks and fireworks flying between them and it’s pretty evident to EVERYONE that they belong together. Their relationship could probably burn a place down. I love them together, even though Mya kept calling it a ‘one-night stand’ … pretty sure she doesn’t know the definition of that. Why leave something, when it’s so good to you and keeps you happy? Stubborn child she is 😉

When I learned that this series dealt with triplets, I expected to have more of that sisterly bond between them, but it’s just not how it is. I’m sure as the series goes on, we’ll see them get closer and stay more in touch with each others lives. In this book, you’ll see how Mya is so mad at her Dad about the quick decisions he made after their mother passed away. There’s a bit of a mystery behind that whole situation and by the end, I felt like all my questions weren’t answered. I wanted to know more about what happened between her parents.

I definitely can’t wait to learn about her older sisters and see how the story pans out for all of them. I really enjoyed this series; I was hooked the entire way and everyone needs to read it!


Meet the Author

I am a married event planner, life coach and instructor. Between my awesome friends and family and my amazing husband, I am constantly surrounded by love. My goal at all times is to love what I’m doing and enjoy life. I love shopping and football with equal fervor. I’m an amateur movie critic (i.e. my husband and I watch and critique a lot of movies for fun). I love to read, but since I’ve been writing, I don’t read as much as I used to. I love music. A good lyric with a good melody can paint a vivid picture and invoke such a range of emotions. I have a soft spot for most mediums of creative, artistic expression. But music is probably my favorite.

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