For some reason, If You Say So managed to slip off of my radar and I’ve been so on top of this series until this one. Finally, I had the chance to read this one and it was a great conclusion to this series. I’ve actually always wanted to read a story that was almost exactly like this and here it was, for me to devour.
If you’ve read the blurb, you’ll probably have a couple of questions going in, but should be able to figure it out fairly quickly. Once I got the answers, I just couldn’t stop reading because I was just begging to learn more. I liked how LLV kept dropping hints here and there, it really pulls you into the story even more.
The one thing that I was truly hoping for more of was just them two connecting. The present for them is very different than the past and I just wanted more on that. There’s no doubt that the love was deep for the both of them, but I wanted to see more of their new life together. But don’t worry, I still definitely enjoyed this one.
I can’t wait to see these two pop up in the other series set in Kilgore.