Just when you thought there wasn’t any MOORE…
From USA Today bestselling author Julie A.
“Holly and Aiden broke up? Seriously? No way. Not those two.”
Dumped. No, not only dumped. Blindsided and dumped.
I thought that Aiden McManus was my forever, my soulmate, That was until he told me he was still in love with his ex.
I didn’t want to believe him. So, I convinced myself that our break-up was because of his upcoming deployment, and not because he didn’t love me. Believing that, helped me get through those first months.
But after a while, I realized I just might be lying to myself. And it was time to move on…
So, I moved on. Or tried to move on, anyway. But that didn’t work out so well for me, either. And it practically got me disowned from my family.
After that, I finally started to get my life back together, I had everything back under control… …Or so I thought.
Until I found out Aiden was back
And now he’s everywhere I turn, Still pushing me away, telling me he doesn’t want me.
But every time he calls me Angel or reaches out to touch my cheek, I know what he’s not admitting to himself – He still loves me.
And I’m going to prove it to him.
Order your copy of MOORE THAN A FEELING today!
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It was a first time read for this author and it was enjoyable for me. Even though it’s considered to be a standalone, there were quite a few times where I was a bit overwhelmed by the huge introduction of many characters. I think reading the previous books in the Needing Moore series will definitely help you understand everyone much better. It took some time, but eventually, I was able to catch on quickly on who is who.
The Moore family is an absolute riot, they definitely bring a new meaning to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. There were so many hilarious moments when it comes to that family, I would just love to be a fly on the wall during one of their dinners.
Something I found rather interesting was the multiple POVs, I can’t say that I was a fan of it because although the main story was around Aiden and Holly, there were at least about 5/6 different POVs, it got confusing. In the beginning, I did get overwhelmed by it because it was just a pursuit of all these different characters. But I’ll mention it again, if you read the rest of the books in this series, you’d definitely have a different opinion. I had to do a lot of re-reading at first to make sure who was narrating at the time.
I loved how much of a fighter Holly was even after her heart was completely torn out by the one person she thought who would be her forever. In a sense, I understand Aiden’s reason for calling it quits on their relationship, but I didn’t like all the other reasons he came up with to try and push Holly away. It definitely did more damage, when he just needed to be honest. And I’m not a fan of the whole, “I wanted to protect you” reason for breaking up with someone, I don’t like when they take the decision away from the other person involved. However, being involved with someone in the military isn’t a walk in the park, but honesty goes a long way. And deployments are never easy, a lot can change while overseas.
I constantly felt sad for Holly, even though a year has nearly passed, she’s still tending her broken heart. Jumping into a relationship with a man who is not only way older than her (not that I’m judging), but there’s definitely more to that guy. And you’ll have to read to find out what it is exactly.
Aiden. He’s definitely not the same Aiden after coming back home with some life-altering injuries physically and mentally. And he’s also dealing with PTSD of what happened overseas, although it wasn’t specifically said what happened, it was easy to figure out with the details that were given.
Even though Aiden and Holly weren’t together at that point, it’s as clear as day that these two absolutely love each other. Aiden is still sticking firm with his decision of staying apart, but Holly was ever the persistent one. He feels like he needs to have so many things sorted out before he even considers it. It won’t be an easy journey for them and what they had before will never be like what they have now. They have to find a new normal together.
I really wanted to love this, but there were little things here and there that kept me from doing so. I really recommend reading the previous books in this series before diving into this one, I think it’s essential. But yes, a definite enjoyable read!
It was a first time read for this author and it was enjoyable for me. Even though it’s considered to be a standalone, there were quite a few times where I was a bit overwhelmed with the huge introduction of many characters. I think reading the previous books in the Needing Moore series will definitely help you understand everyone much better. It took some time, but eventually I was able to catch on quickly on who is who.
The Moore family is an absolutely riot, they definitely bring a new meaning to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. There were so many hilarious moments when it comes to that family, I would just love to be a fly on the wall during one of their dinners.
Something I found rather interesting was the multiple POVs, I can’t say that I wasn’t exactly a fan of it because although the main story was around Aiden and Holly, there were at least about 5/6 different POVs. In the beginning, I did get overwhelmed
I loved how much of a fighter Holly was even after her heart was completely torn out by the one person she thought who would be her forever. In a sense, I understand Aiden’s reason for calling it quits on their relationship, but I didn’t like all the other reasons he came up with to try and push Holly away. It definitely did more damage, when he just needed to be honest. And I’m not a fan of the whole, “I wanted to protect you” reason for breaking up with some, I don’t like when they take the decision away from the other person involved. However, being involved with someone in the military isn’t a walk in the park, but honesty goes a long way. And deployments are never easy, a lot can change while overseas.
I constantly felt sad for Holly, even though a year has nearly passed, she’s still tending her broken heart. Jumping into a relationship with a man who is not only way older than her (not that I’m judging), but there’s definitely more to that guy. And you’ll have to read to find out what it is exactly.
Aiden. He’s definitely not the same Aiden after coming back home with some life-altering injuries physically and mentally. And he’s also dealing with PTSD of what happened overseas, although it wasn’t specifically said what happened, it was easy to figure out with the details that were given.
Even though Aiden and Holly weren’t together at that point, it’s as clear as day that these two absolutely love each other. Aiden is still sticking firm with his decision of staying apart, but Holly was ever the persistent one. He feels like he needs to have so many things sorted out before he even considers it. It won’t be an easy journey for them and what they had before will never be like what they have now. They have to find a new normal together.
I really wanted to love this, but there were little things here and there that kept me from doing so. I really recommend reading the previous books in this series before diving into this one, I think it’s essential. But yes, a definite enjoyable read!
✮✮✮ 1/2
Leaning down from behind the couch, it looked as if he were going to kiss the cool blonde’s cheek, but
instead he whispered in her ear, “You are a guest in our home. I expect you to be civil.”
Craning her alabaster neck, she smiled, a close-mouthed smile, at her ex-husband. “Always a pleasure to see you, too, Schooner.”Standing, she smoothed down her pencil skirt, and walked toward the kitchen, without a second glance at her ex.
“Mia, may I have a moment with you?”
“Sure, give me one sec.” She put down the slotted spoon and washed her hands. “Let’s go talk in Schooner’s office.” Mia led the way, closing the door behind them, not really knowing what to expect.
Being in a room alone with CJ had only happened once before in her life and the results had been disastrous for her as CJ convinced her that Schooner never loved her and only saw her as an obligation and charity case, causing Mia to flee before ever confronting Schooner. That conversation was the life-altering genesis of a twenty-four-year separation from the man she loved.
“I wanted to talk to you before Holly gets here,” CJ began.
“Her well-being is something you and I share.”
“Good, then will you please fill me in on the details. I need to know what I’m dealing with here.”
“We had no idea that she had met Tom. I had not seen the man in like twenty years, so we were really shocked.”
“What’s he like?”
“Intelligent, charming, talented, handsome. Female students love him. Male students want to be like him. He’s not very good at monogamy.” Mia strained to find the right words, not really knowing what they were.
“Is that why you broke up with him?”
“Yes. I caught him in our bed with one of his students. Keeping his dick in his pants was not his strong suit.” There. It was out.
“Once a cheater, always a cheater.” CJ nodded, as she stared at a spot on Schooner’s desk. Inhaling deeply, she looked back at Mia, pointing a finger at her. “I’m going to take one for the team. So, don’t you forget it.”
“What are you going to do, CJ?” Mia, of all people, knew the lengths this woman would go to in order to get her way.
“It’s best you’re not complicit.”
“Well, thanks for that.” Not knowing what she would pull, it was a relief to know that.
“Thank me later.” CJ brushed past Mia, exiting the office.
Julie A. Richman’s MOORE THAN A FEELING – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
July 23rd
Adventures in Writing – Excerpt
Devilishly dirty book blog – Review & Excerpt
MSquaredBookBlog – Review & Excerpt
Sassy Moms Say Read Romance – Review & Excerpt
TMBA Corbett Tries To Write – Excerpt
July 24th
Book Boyfriend Blog – Review & Excerpt
Cinta Garcia de la Rosa – Excerpt
FMR Book Grind – Review
I Love Romance – Review & Excerpt
Nanasbookreviews – Excerpt
July 25th
A Book Nerd, a Bookseller and a Bibliophile – Review
Book Addict – Review & Excerpt
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
Snarky snarky reviews – Excerpt
July 26th
Blog of Books – Review
Brandy Paige Roberts Blogger page –Review & Excerpt
Read more sleep less – Review & Excerpt
Scandaliciousbookreviews – Review
July 27th
6 Feet Under Books – Excerpt
Book Loving Pixies – Excerpt
My Life Loves and Passion – Excerpt
Shameless Book Club – Review & Excerpt
The Wayfaring Bibliomaniac – Review & Excerpt
July 28th
Book Lovers Reviews and Recommendations – Review & Excerpt
Eye Candy Bookstore – Excerpt
Kari’s Book Reviews and Revelations – Review & Excerpt
Read Love Blog – Review & Excerpt
Smut Book Junkie Reviews – Review & Excerpt
July 29th
Booked All Night – Review & Excerpt
Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm – Excerpt
Reviews by Tammy and Kim (Rachel and Jay) – Review & Excerpt
Sultry Sirens Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
July 30th
Becky on Books – Excerpt
For the love of romance – Review
Life Books & Loves – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Dirty and Flirty – Excerpt
Wicked Reads – Review & Excerpt
July 31st
All Things Dark & Dirty – Excerpt
Bookgasms Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Michelle Parkerton – Review
Three chicks and their books – Review & Excerpt
We stole your book boyfriend – Excerpt
August 1st
Bobo’s Book Bank – Excerpt
Jax’s Book Magic – Excerpt
My Girlfriend’s Couch – Excerpt
Stressed Rach – Review & Excerpt
What Is That Book About – Excerpt
August 2nd
Becca the Bibliophile – Review & Excerpt
Books are love – Review & Excerpt
My Girlfriends Nook Korner – Review & Excerpt
Once upon a romance blog – Review
Simply Crystal – Review & Excerpt
August 3rd
As You Wish Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Hopelessly Addicted to romance book blog – Excerpt
Ramblings From This Chick – Excerpt
Romance Schmomance – Review & Excerpt
Sharing My Book Boyfriends – Excerpt
August 4th
3 Amigos Wicked Book Review – Review
Blushing babes are up all night – Review
KDRBCK – Review & Excerpt
One-Click Chocolate Chick – Review & Excerpt
Romance Book Explosion – Review & Excerpt
About Julie A. Richman: USA TODAY Bestselling author Julie A. Richman is a native New Yorker living deep in the heart of Texas, home to great music, BBQ, and awesome Tex-Mex. An award-winning nature photographer plagued with insatiable wanderlust, Julie spent many years scratching the travel itch while helping non-profit organizations and corporations with their marketing and advertising programs. Currently, Julie has published Searching for Moore, Moore to Lose, Moore than Forever, Bad Son Rising, Needing Moore:The Complete Series, Henry’s End, Slave to Love, The Do-Over and Love on the Edge of Time. She has works included in Pink Shades of Words 2014 & 2015, Tempting Fate Boxed Set, Intense Boxed Set, Intense 2 Boxed Set and the Cocktales Anthology.