Wounded, with a target still on his back, Kieren Moonring has been hiding in the last place his Morgon enemies might find him. In the human convent on the southern shores of Primus, his body heals quickly, but his soul is broken.
While Sister Liana tends to the recovering Morgon man hiding in their convent, she can’t stop or disguise her growing attraction. What disturbs her more is that he begins to uncover her past that is best kept buried.
Dragon Fire Review
I can never get enough of this series and I’ve been waiting for Kieran’s story since I finished the previous book in the Vale of Stars series. I’ve been very eager to learn more about Kol’s twin, Kieran especially with the bit of rocky history that they have. I gotta say, I love me some Kol, but there’s a special place for Kieran.
Kieran was everything that I expected him to be, he’s just an all around winner. Even to the point of not pursuing something more with Liana to simply protect her from the many unknowns in his life. So hands down, I truly loved and adored Kieran.
When it came to Liana, she had good and bad moments. I can’t say that I like her as much as the previous heroines that Juliette has written in this series, but her story definitely surprised me. From the very beginning, I was soooo curious on why she became Sister of the Light. She makes it known a few times that she didn’t necessarily choose this life, but it was her last option. I was dying to know the real reason why and we don’t find out to much later.
Even though I found their story rather enjoyable, it didn’t quite pull at me like it did with the previous books. However, this doesn’t change a darn thing about how I feel about this author and series because I still love them infinitely!
Juliette, I am totally read for your next book!
Vale of Stars Series Review