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I have infinite love for this series and the enemies-to-lovers between Carm and Bella is pure entertainment!
Despite what we see on the surface from Carm, there’s so much more to them. When you start these books you always have to remember that these men are completely family-oriented and that they NEVER want to disappoint Ma. It’s like a sacred thing, you never want to cross Ma. So you know that there will always be more to the Mancini men than what we see.
One by one, they’re taking the leap and discovering a life of love. And I am such a fan of witnessing the motions they’re going through as they come around to the women in their lives.
With Piper and Rayne’s book, I love that we get more than a romance story. There’s deeper issues that are going on especially with Bella. Even when you can sense what she has been through early on, my heart broke for her. You could see every time how much it affected her.
Carm was everything that I expected him to be and I was totally swooning over him. Their chemistry is slowly building and you will love every moment of it, it all pays off, that’s for sure.
Dirty Flirty Enemy had everything that I look for in a Piper Rayne romance and it’s always leaving me hungry for more. I absolutely cannot wait for Dom’s book!