

I have no idea why I waited so long to read Deadly Obsession. One of my goals for this year was to really tackle the books that I currently have especially paperbacks that I own. And since I don’t read enough romantic suspense, a genre I absolutely love, I couldn’t wait to finally start this.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about the best friend’s sister trope, I’ve had my hang-ups with it this year, but I had zero problems with it in this one. I loved the family aspect with the Steele brothers and I can’t even contain my excitement about getting to their books.

Zoey and Knox definitely has some history of sorts, mainly with the fact that they were friends growing up. But we also have the fact that he is Zoey’s brother, Cade, best friend. And as you make it through the book, you can really sense just a lot of everything between them. Zoey crushed on Knox for a long time and you can still see that, but there’s also some hurt because of how long Knox stayed away.

Knox is my definition of an alpha and he has that brooding thing going on. I love him almost instantly, but I wasn’t quite on-board with his reasons for staying away for so long.

Anyways, I loved the suspense aspect to the story, it was a bit easy to figure out who the killer was, but I just took that for what it was. It didn’t take me out of the story at all. Because of previous dislike in other books when it comes to the third POV especially when they’re the villain, I didn’t really care for the killer’s POV.

Truly enjoyed the start of this series and I do have the 2nd book in the series, definitely can’t wait to start!

major thank you to the publisher for the complimentary copy in consideration for a review. this does not affect my opinion of the book or review.

[rating stars=”four-stars”]

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