The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books, if that ends up being the case it will be stated in the review. I am no expert on reviewing books. I just love romance novels whether it’s physical/digital/audio format. I either check the books out from the local library through Libby and Hoopla, purchase them myself, or have received an ARC (advanced reader’s copy) in return for an honest review.

Also, I’m not the best with grammar. Please do not judge my reviews based on my writing ability. Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors.

I personally just love reading anything within the romance genre and just needed to direct my excitement somewhere. Whenever I finish a book that I like, I have this urge to share with the world. I’m calling this my personal project as my romance reading journey continues.

Images posted are not my own unless noted otherwise. Images are copyrighted to their rightful owners, if you want an image removed, please email me at and it will be removed immediately.