Today we have the blog tour for the much anticipated second standalone novel in the Vow Series. Check out VOW OF ATONEMENT by Emma Renshaw and get your copy now!

Author: Emma Renshaw
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release: September 5th


A bossy Army vet determined to atone for his mistakes with the only girl he’s ever loved. A sassy boutique owner trying to shield her broken heart.

Roman stole every part of Harper’s heart and soul over a decade ago and left without giving her back the pieces. She’s spent the past decade trying to forget him and everything he made her feel.

When a mysterious figure shows up, changing her life with just a few sentences, she does the unthinkable—calls the man who left her shattered all those years ago.

Roman storms back into Harper’s life with a vengeance, determined to prove he is worthy of a second chance. He vows to keep her safe from the danger that has darkened her door.

But they’re both pawns in someone else’s game. And this vow might just be broken before the game is over…

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What a gem of a read this one turned out to be! It has been such a great year of reading books from new to me authors, they have all been hitting it out of the park. I found Vow of Atonement to be a rather enjoyable read with little bits of suspense that kept me hooked the entire time. Add in one of my favorite tropes of all time, second-chance romance, to top it all off.

I will say that Harper and Roman’s love was something that we’ve seen before, falling in love during their teenage years, but the hero making the ultimate choice of leaving because he thinks she would have a better life without him. Oh, how I despise when the hero decides to make a decision on both accounts, I understand that they mean well, but there’s always two people involved in a relationship. However, their story was a complete tragic one. With Harper losing her entire family in a brutal way, in just one day, all she had left was Roman and her “uncle”/second-father. But the moment she needed Roman the most, he completely shattered her world even more than what it was before. Fast forward to 10 years later, a man wiggles his way in to stir up some serious trouble in Harper’s life and the only person she knows that would drop everything and come in a heartbeat is the very man that broke her heart.

I absolutely adored Roman so much, he eased his way back into Harper’s life, effortlessly. She fought it so hard and her reasons are justified, but I just loved how suave he was about it. And boy, he can speak Spanish to me any time of the day! Shoot, anyone can speak any foreign language to me 😉 Their chemistry is still sizzling like they’ve never been apart and it seems tough for Harper to avoid the alpha that is Roman, shoot, I sure wouldn’t have been able to.

I really loved the suspense part of the story, it’s obvious who the bad guy is, but there’s always the question of what and why. And I was still surprised with the twists that Emma added in. It’ll definitely keep you on the edge of your seat because Emma does a wonderful job keeping us waiting until the right moment for everything to go down.

Even though Vow of Atonement is the second book in the series, it is a standalone and you won’t be confused at all by who all the other characters are. I was able to follow along easily and I’m definitely going to go back and read the first book in this series. Definitely a solid first read from this author and it won’t be my last!



Groaning, I try to roll over, but I hit a solid wall. My eyes fly open and I open my mouth to scream, but a hand covers it. I start thrashing against the person behind me, screaming against his hand. A leg hooks over my waist, limiting my movements.

“Sugar, it’s just me.”

Time stands still when the deep voice registers in my ear. Everything stops. My movements. My breaths. My heart.


No. No. No.


I called him and left a message. He was supposed to call me back, not show up. Roman takes advantage of my stillness by pulling me closer to his body and nuzzling my neck. The hand that was covering my mouth slides down my neck, my throat, my chest, and comes to rest on my stomach, sending chills along my skin. I close my eyes, relishing in his warmth for just one second before they fly open and reality slaps me in the face.

Ten years. Ten fucking years.

“What are you doing here?” My voice doesn’t sound nearly as strong as I wish it did. I’m still not quite convinced this isn’t a dream.

I grit my teeth to stop my whimper from escaping when his soft lips land on my neck. “You said you needed help. You need help? I’m here. Simple as that, Sugar.”

Oh my god. This really isn’t a dream. He grunts when I send my elbow into his stomach before I leap from the bed and press my back into the wall.

And, there he is. Roman fucking Marx. It’s been years since I’ve seen him. He’s filled out since he left me behind. When he left, he was still a boy. An undeniably drop-dead-gorgeous boy, but still a boy. This Roman in front of me, though, is all man. Dear fucking Lord. I will not acknowledge the rush of heat that floods my system. I will not…

My thoughts trail off as I groan, watching his naked chest emerge from beneath the covers. Roman is leaning against my headboard, an arm thrown over his head, smiling at me. The tattoos on his enormous biceps are new. His bronze skin is taut over each rippling muscle on his chest and stomach. I swallow as my eyes continue to go lower and lower.

The sheet is pulled down so low. My eyes jump back to his when I see his morning wood. He raises an eyebrow.

“Why are you here? And, why the fuck are you naked?”

Don’t want to wait? Start with the first standalone novel in the Vow Series now!


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About Emma Renshaw

Emma loves to write, just don’t ask her to write about herself. If she isn’t writing, you can find her lost in a book or trying to get her doggo to take a selfie with her. He usually refuses. At the end of the day, you can find Emma at the closest Mexican restaurant eating queso and sipping on a margarita. She lives in Texas with her husband and dog.

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