About Bite Me

A nerdy high school senior transforms into a vampire vixen who’s unaware that her hunky date for prom is the slayer sent to destroy her.

Morgan Taylor-Jackson can’t wait for high school to end. In six months she leaves for UCLA and says goodbye to La Jolla, California and her parents’ messy divorce. But when Morgan is bitten by a four-year-old boy, she becomes infected with a mysterious condition. Fever, insomnia, and a new bustline are only the beginning; Morgan morphs from nerd to bombshell.

As far as Van Xander is concerned, all vampires are evil, even the ones who reject human sacrifice and call themselves Puritans. When Helsing Incorporated sends Van to La Jolla to investigate the local coven, Morgan is his prime target. Pretending to be interested in her, Van asks Morgan out and puts her through a series of tests to determine her killer nature.

Morgan is thrilled to be dating a hot guy like Van and falls for him hard. As Van strings Morgan along, he grows increasingly guilty. Morgan is kind, compassionate, and a gooey romantic. Just as Van’s mind begins to change, evil forces threaten everything. When prom night arrives, there are only two ways out of the ballroom: death or immortality.




Bite Me had quite the different take on the vampire world. And I love books about vampires, they tend to be one of my favorites to read in the paranormal world. I can’t say that it would top as my favorite when it comes to vampire reads, but I still found it interesting and enjoyable.

This was a read was from a new to me author and after finishing Bite Me, I’m definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. I wouldn’t categorize this one as an adult contemporary, but definitely as a young adult. I found both the hero and heroine thinking very much like teenagers … well, essentially that’s what they are. I tend not to read young adult too often because of the teenage angst. I found myself getting a little irritated with the both of them and their thought process, still a bit immature. But I kept forgetting that they still teenagers.

So, we have Morgan, in her last year of high school, already accepted to the college of her choice, UCLA. Her mother was probably my least favorite character in this book, she’s extremely selfish. But I loved her relationship with her father and step-mother. The one thing you’ll quickly point out is the family dynamics, you’ll definitely see it as you read through Bite Me. From beginning to end, we witness go through the normal motion of being a teenager, second-guessing her appearance, stressing about prom, and well, dating boys. But she’s also dealing with the very real possibility of her becoming a blood thirsty vampire.

OK, I struggled with Van, I just wasn’t sure how he really felt about Morgan. From the very beginning, it was deeply rooted that he was going to have to slay her. Being a bit prejudiced against the fact that not all vampires are the same. For example, Puritan vampires are ones that have never had a drop of human blood. Even though the vampire slayers know much about the Puritans, they still can’t look past the fact that they are still vampires.

For Morgan, she gives off zero blood lust vibes and really gave Van no reason to look at her in such a way. After Morgan was bitten, she went through a complete transformation, visually. And to me, it seemed like Van only liked her for her looks. I was hoping to see more development with his character and just growth, in general.

I’m definitely hoping to see more of these two in the books to come, so we can see them grow and develop more. I think fans of the young adult genre will enjoy this one! I look forward to reading more about this vampire world, especially with Esma’s book.


Meet the Author

Louise Cypress believes in friendship, true love, and the everlasting power of books. She has never met a vampire, but she has been to a Love Sucks concert on Valentine’s Day. Like Morgan, Louise can often be found curled up with a romance novel on Saturday night, diet soda in hand, secretly wishing bustles were back in fashion. Louise lives in San Diego, California, where the beach is crowded and summer is immortal.

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