We moved back to the States from our two year stay in Slovenia. And where we currently reside, our time is short here, which means we have one book shelf up and I have piles of books scattered everywhere around our apartment.
I’ve even started placing stacks of books everywhere for home decoration. It definitely makes it a bit easier for those bookstagram shots, though.
With my husband being in the military, we move around rather frequently. And I’m accumulating books rapidly, we’ve even talked about buying less books. But that’s a tough one for me since I want my romance library probably more than anything. However, moving your books around every few years gets tougher and heavier.
We’ve even considered putting some of our books into storage, but even that is a tough thing for me to consider. One day, we’ll have an entire room with all of our books, our little library.
Until then, stacks and stacks of books, everywhere.
my books
These are the worst pictures of my bookshelf. We’re in a tiny apartment, temporarily, because we’re moving again during the holidays. And I have a toddler, so the shelf needs to be out of her little feet and hands. I have a climber, everyone.
And there you have it, my third post for #BLOGTOBER.
- day 3 | bookshelf tour