DAY 1 - BLOGTOBEROctober has arrived! It’s my birthday month and THE month where I knock a bunch of ARCs off of my backlisted ARC TBR … that’s a mouth full.

In September, I chose to take a backseat on signing up for some ARCs, but totally forgot about the ones I signed up for months before. However, it wasn’t as packed as I thought it would be.

With that being said, I can’t say the same for October … I may have overdone it, but I’m pretty hopeful that I can get through my huge list of reads for this month. I’m not going to share the scheduled reads I have for this month because I’ll never hear the end of it.

I’m teaming up with Kim (kimberlyfayereads) for #ARCtober19 (details, here). Hopefully you’ll join in on that one, it’s a great motivation to get through those ARCs.

I’ve paired #ARCtober19 with my 2019 reading challenge, #ROMANCEOPOLY. I haven’t been very successful with my annual reading challenge, but all the ARCs I chose for this month are from my ROMANCEOPOLY list.

#ARCTOBER19 & #romanceopoly

And there you have it, my first post for #BLOGTOBER and #ARCtober19!

  • day 1 | blogtober : what’s on your tbr?
  • week 1 | #arctober19 : arctober goal

What’s your top read on your TBR for October?!

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